2024 Elected Officials
John W. Hoffert, President
Ronald R. Klee, Jr., Vice President
Elizabeth M. Bentz
Michael A. Hoffert
Dr. Edward B. Michalik
Michael D. Mountz
Mark Grounard
Andrew R. Hivner, Mayor
The Council/Manager form of government governs the Borough. There are 7 Council members and a Mayor who are elected by the voters. The Chief Administrative Officer is the Borough Manager who is appointed by Borough Council and is responsible for the day to day operations of the Borough. Terms of office for the Mayor and members of Council are 4 years.

2023 Council Members and Appointed Officials seated left to right: Elizabeth M. Bentz, Ronald R. Klee, Jr., Vice President, John W. Hoffert, President, Dr. Edward B. Michalik, Michael A. Hoffert, Standing left to right: Thomas Klonis, Solicitor, Andrew R. Hivner, Mayor, Jan M. Boyd, Secretary/Treasurer, Brett Hivner, Police Chief, Timothy Deamer, Fire Chief, Scott D. Brossman, Jr., Borough Manager, Conrad Vanino.
Ronald R. Klee, Jr., Chair
Elizabeth M. Bentz
Dr. Edward B. Michalik
Michael A. Hoffert, Chair
Dr. Edward B. Michalik
Ronald R. Klee, Jr.
Elizabeth M. Bentz, Chair
Mark Grounard
Michael D. Mountz
Zoning and Codes
Michael D. Mountz, Chair
Michael A. Hoffert
Mark Grounard
Tree-Pole & Light
Mark Grounard, Chair
Ronald R. Klee, Jr.
Michael A. Hoffert
Police and Personnel
Dr. Edward B. Michalik, Chair
Elizabeth M. Bentz
Michael D. Mountz
John W. Hoffert, Chair
Michael D. Mountz
Michael A. Hoffert

Pictured from 2019 Council, Members and Appointed Officials seated left to right: Jan M. Boyd, Secretary/Treasurer; Elizabeth M. Bentz; Ronald R. Klee, Jr.; John W. Hoffert; Dr. George B. Clark; Michael A. Hoffert, Standing left to right: Michael D. Mountz, Borough Manager; Thomas Klonis, Solicitor; John A. Hoffert, Solicitor; Dr. Edward B. Michalik; Andrew R. Hivner, Mayor; Conrad Vanino; Brett A. Hivner, Police Chief; Timothy Deamer, Fire Chief; Scott D. Brossman, Jr., Assistant Borough Manager.